The Reggie Rope Story

It is amazing where life can lead you...........
Whilst walking in the park I got a little excited and my 40 kgs of pure good looks were off and running, then my lead snapped!! I immediately thought "I love my daily walks and I'm only getting stronger, there must be a better lead?" and there we had it, Reggie Rope was born!
With no stitching to come undone, made from load rated climbing rope and secured to my collar with a quick lock carabiner, my humans have done all they can to make sure I'm safe. Couple this with an amazing range of colours and I am the best looking pooch in the park!
My passion for premium quality strong leads for strong breeds is now stronger than ever! I am so proud of our Reggie Rope leads and I am sure you will share my passion and enjoyment of safe walks with your Reggie Rope too.
Love Reggie xx